Aliso Pico Cultural + Education Center
This Type V-A, 10,500 sf, $3 million Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks Facility was our first solo ground-up building in Los Angeles. Because the park in which the building is located already had a high school sized basketball court, this facility contains a multipurpose space oriented more towards dance and the performing arts. It also provides storage, offices, classrooms, and art studios. Rec and Parks required a majority CMU or concrete building; in order to free up budget for large fire rated doors (see below) Mr. Mar selected wood framing for the balance of the building structure. A large building-integrated Public Art component in the building Lobby was coordinated throughout the various project stages.
Because Rec and Parks prefers closed, windowless ground stories, for security and maintenance reasons, daylight is brought in through roof light monitors. Acoustical panels are provided throughout the multipurpose space, making it appropriate for both performances as well as community parties and gatherings.
In order to open up the second floor to the ground floor, balconies pop out from the circulation corridor, and self-closing accordion fire doors provide the required fire separation. In this way, the facility feels much more open and inviting than would normally be allowable by Code.